Monday, 17 March 2014

Pregnancy through my husband's eyes

I'm sure most of you heard the saying " Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus"?! Well, I think that's true in a way..

My husband and I are very similar character wise, we sometimes think about the same things, say exactly the same things out loud (which still surprises me every time it happens). But when it comes to pregnancy I'm convinced he doesn't even know half of things which are going on with me and my body. I suppose it is my fault as well as we need to talk through about things like that.

Pregnancy announcement- when I told him that I'm pregnant he said- "Great". I wanted a little bit more from him, but he was just so calm about it, fair enough as we planned it.
Walking- when we do shopping it's normally very quick as we know what and where to buy cheaper. I have to remind him every time that I'm pregnant and that we need to slow down and I can't walk fast now. 
Heavy lifting- this is work in progress, he thinks it is fine and nothing is going to happen if I carry/hold a heavy bag or move heavy stuff around house, but I try to educate my dear husband that it is actually not a good idea.
Baby movements- every time I put his hand onto my bump to feel baby move he says "can't feel anything, my arm hurts now" or "it's more important you feel it". 

I'm not trying to say that he is bad or not helping, it's just always funny when I have to remind him that I can't do some things now as I used to and funny how manly he can be.

Was/Is it different in your household?


  1. I haven't been lucky enough to go through this, but I can imagine my hubby being very similar in his 'excitement' ;) x

  2. I have 3 kids. With my first my husband was very caring while I was pregnant and would do everything for me, wouldn't even let me carry a loaf of bread in case i hurt myself. But the second and third pregnancy where completely different. He said this like your pregnant not ill. and wasn't very carrying at all as I'd already done it once so I can do it again. If only they had to carry a baby in there belly's for 9 months, would be a different story

  3. My hubby has been over excited about both our babies. He used to lie there for hours wit his hand on my tummy to feel them, Both times he looked after me and made sure I didn't do anything I wasn't supposed to, and was probably more excited about finding out I was pregnant than I was!!

  4. Sometimes I don't think the reality really hits home for men and women until he little one arrives and even then it takes time to sink in. It is a period of immense change and everyone needs help adjusting x

  5. Unfortunately, I didn't get the best response during both my pregnancies. He got quite upset with me for not doing as much as I used to. He left me a few weeks before our second child was born. I'm hoping that one day my new partner will be able to show me that not all men react in such a negative way. I am very pleased to hear that you've all had much more positive responses :-)

  6. My husband was wonderful throughout both my pregnancies. In fact he had to give me injections in to my bum three times a day and he did! Now that is devotion!

  7. It didn't really register here until I was nearly 6 months with my other half - apart from with the twins, I was so unwell he had no choice!

  8. My husband was great during my pregnancy. As it was twins he needed to help me a lot bless him and he did a great job x

  9. Oh my other half was terrible at remembering to walk at my pace, he was very good at nagging me to eat my vegetables though!

  10. I do think pregnancy is whole different experience for men than it is for women !

  11. My husband found it all very hard to connect to until we had the 20 week scan and then I think it clicked that there was an actual person in there. I think finding out the sex definitely helped him bond with the bump. x

  12. My husband was ok, however he did go in to total shock when he found out our second child was a girl, apparently didn't think it would ever happen as he is one of three boys? Did point out I'm not his mum...

  13. My hubby was really good, but I had very bad SPD so couldn't physically so much. He did pretty much everything during my pregnancy x

  14. It's really not the same for men is it! I remember my husband not really feeling kicks until he got booted in the back one night!

  15. I think a lot of men can feel quite detached from it all until the reality of the baby is actually there in their arms.

  16. Oh mine was the opposite and wouldn't leave me alone for being "over" helpful. Wouldn't let me have dippy eggs either.

  17. You threw me back some years... I honestly don't remember how it was to be first for the first time :) I do remember I really wanted to prove I can do everything and don't need any help at all. It can be hard for men I guess to connect to the pregnancy, but even then it is totally different once the baby is there :)

  18. I haven't been there myself - but I think my other half would be pretty much the same lol x

  19. Mine was great although I got frustrated when he stopped me moving heavy things around the house.......he was quite happy to watch me mow the lawn or take the bins out though lol

  20. I think it's really quite hard for them to get their heads around it. I had AWFUL morning sickness and felt like Tom didn't empathise enough but I guess it was hard for him to put himself in my shoes (which he could of!) x

  21. I think they generally need more time for the info to sink in... once bump will show more, they will get a visual clue ;-)

  22. My husband was wonderful throughout both. I hated needles and my first blood test with Elle, he asked the midwife to draw his blood first so i wouldn't feel so scared. x

  23. Aww, my OH didn't like feeling my tummy and the baby/babies (twins as well) move. He said it gave him the cringes lol! I hated this although he would always oblige x

  24. My husband had already had 8 babies with his first wife (she died when the youngest was around 10) so he'd had plenty of practice on how to treat the mummy when pregnant! He was wonderful throughout both of mine and totally looked after me. Maybe when the baby is here he'll show all his excitement then :)

  25. I used to make my hubby lie for hours with his ear pressed up against my stomach making sure he could hear a heartbeat or a movement. He fell asleep once lol. Thanks for linking up with #GoldenOldies over at

  26. Funny how different men can be from us girls. My hubby was brilliant the first time but when it came to the other two pregnancies it was as if the novelty had worn off and I should be able to just get on with it as I have already done it before! #GoldenOldies.
