Monday, 10 March 2014

Pregnancy update 25 weeks

Visible changes in my body: upper part of the bump is sticking out more, didn't put any weight since my sickly first trimester

Other: had my 25th weeks midwife appointment where they were very concerned over my high blood pressure, after I visited hospital twice they didn't confirm it could be pre-eclamsia so told me to enjoy my pregnancy! I was also told that they are no NHS antenatal classes in my area, that they will only talk through about breastfeeding on one on one session, which is extremely disappointing as a first-timer I have no clue what to expect from labour.

How do I feel: all the headaches and sickness are gone (touch wood); feeling tired quicker, had a 4 hours walk on a weekend after which my back was killing me 

Cravings: still none

Fitness: Walking almost every day for max. 25 minutes and swimming once a week

Baby: At 25weeks Head to heels, baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — 1 1/2 pounds. Our baby can still turn somersaults but it won’t be long until there’s not enough room in there! They will be able to hear loud noises which may cause them to jump, and you may notice extra kicks when you’re in the bath or shower too. 
While your baby is in the womb, their temperature is maintained by the placenta, but by this week they will begin to develop fat which will help regulate their temperature once they are born.


  1. Glad you are feeling a little better. I had awful headaches through my pregnancies too and they seem to dissapear around 27 weeks x

  2. Oh that is so disappointing about the ante-natal classes :/ Have you looked into local NCT classes? I know so many mums sing their praises so might be worth a look....

    1. It is indeed, I have looked at NCT but just cant justify spending that much money, but will have to discuss it with DH to see if its worth while

  3. One BIG plus with NCT classes is the ready made postnatal group it creates :) I did NHS ones and wished I had booked into the NCT ones, joining NCT later on. Having your first baby is a complete change to your former life, especially if you were working full time. It can be extremely lonely and postnatal friendship is really valuable. re antenatal classes generally, to be honest, you can ready most of what you would learn and nothing really prepares you for having you OWN small person. But being informed is essential IMO, you can go with a rough idea of what you are happy with although your baby might not have read your birth plan and you might have to abandon it nonetheless!!!

  4. Good news there is no sickness anymore

  5. What a shame you have no access to classes- mind you- I missed mine with my first as she was early- and my body still knew what to do anyway! I know lots of people who have found NCT beneficial.

  6. Join the NCT and find other expectant mums on Netmums, the more you can find out before, the better. Good luck

    1. Thats what I think- I want to know more, NHS offered an hour session where we can go through things, but how can I if I have no clue, im sure i will miss something

  7. Glad to hear you are feeling better now. Exciting times ahead

  8. i have 7 lil ones only three are my own and all were water births , husband wants more , lol, its such an experience you can never forget , make themost of it x

    1. wow, i want water birth as well, will b something i will put in my birth plan)

  9. I really wish I had done the NCT antenatal as everyone I know you did, have a really good group of friends from it x

  10. What a wonderful way to record your baby's growth and development even BEFORE he/she is born! Sounds like your'e both doing really well :)

  11. good to hear headaches and sickness are gone ..that's bad enough even when you're not pregnant :)

  12. Glad to hear you are feeling better - nothing worse than pregnancy sickness!! Sorry to hear about the lack of NHS classes... I had one single afternoon session when I was 37 weeks pregnant... the follow up session on feeding was booked for when most of us would have had our babies. It wasn't all that great to be honest as we didn't have time to get to know each other or ask many questions and it just covered the basics you can read in any pregnancy book. Perhaps an NCT class would be worth checking out?

  13. Glad to hear you are feeling well and keeping up a good exercise routine

  14. It is such an exciting time for you! Gets me broody again just remembering being pregnant. Take care x

  15. Glad you are feeling better. Not long left to go now!

  16. Join netmums and the like, maybe you can connect with some other mums to be on there who are locals, and ones who have gone through it before to help? Good luck :)

  17. Aww, first pregnancy is always such an exciting and special time!
    It's a shame they won't give nhs antenatal classes there, but as others have mentioned you're not missing much! I didn't find my nhs classes great either

  18. You are entering the best stage of pregnancy in my opinion. Passed the sickness and not yet too big and exhausted. Enjoy! I never went to any classes with any of mine, fail on behalf of midwives to tell me about them and from me not chasing them up. I found massive support networks online and they were/are a huge source of support x

  19. Glad you are feeling better and hope you get to start enjoying the pregnancy. Have you looked into NCT classes or something similar. Netmums and Mumsnet often have a list of local providers. As for knowing what to expect for labour, if you understand what your body is doing and why it really does help. Don't spend a fortune on books but hit the library!

  20. Must be nice the nausea and headaches have gone so you can enjoy the coming weeks. We did NCT antenatal classes (in 2010) as we were moving to a new area. It was great for having a support network and although we got the giggles far to often we did learn a bit too :)

  21. So good to hear you are feeling better :) x

  22. Glad you are feeling better now. I had morning sickness to week 22, and then just made up all the weight I had lost!

  23. Oh I remember those days so well! I always wanted to have some weird craving but never had any either!! :)

  24. If it's any consolation the ante natal classes here were terrible - no help at all x x
