Thursday, 2 July 2015

Fast Diet Kitchen Summer Ready Campaign week 5 update

Last week I have tried a different approach to the 5:2 diet, I have realised that if I mix Fast Diet Kitchen packs with normal food it won't work for me and I need 3 packs a day to fill me up. So I had one pack on Wednesday and 3 packs on Thursday which seemed a bit better. 
Having said that I came to a realisation that this particular diet plan doesn't work for me. I have no time for exercising at the moment, I'm not counting going up and down the stairs few times a day and an hour walk in the evening. I have an idea of what I want to achieve but cutting down calories seems to be a bad idea. I feel like I want to eat more food in the evening when I see my husband eating his big portion and try to eat more on other days as I felt I need to make up for 2 fasting days and especially as I'm still breastfeeding hunger is always there.

I have realised that my diet should consist of a complete change of my lifestyle. That only cutting down on specific things should be permanent, and for that I need a massive will power and a huge motivation.

I have had tasty meals last week and if you follow me via Instagram, Facebook or Twitter you could see how yummy they look.

I feel bad for letting FDK down and not achieving much during Summer Ready Campaign but we are all different, for some it works and for others it doesn't.

Disclaimer: I was sent the items mentioned above for the purpose of these weekly updates. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your honesty and for trying different approaches to the diet. Making sure you use up more calories than you consume will help you to lose weight. Being more active will use more calories but the trick is then not to eat more on those days - just keep the same but up your activity level.
    Our meals work well for people that don't like calorie counting or haven't the time to cook. We have many varied options to keep you going and to make Fast Days even easier.
    Give yourself credit for trying and it is harder if you have people around you that are eating meals/quantities that you would rather be having. It may be beneficial to you to join a group so you can share the ups and downs but remember, small changes can make a big difference. For some people, not putting weight on is a start/goal, rather than losing it.

    Keep happy and we wish you luck.
