Friday, 20 June 2014

Why I Decided to Breastfeed (Keep Britain Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt 2014)

Today is my Due Date so I thought that maybe it's the best time to talk about breastfeeding. Few weeks ago I came across a thread on C & G Community where lady was seeking support as she was intending to bottle feed her baby, she felt that there is more support for those who are breastfeeding their babies than for those you prefer alternative method.
That made me think- why I never even thought about bottle feeding?! For me it was never a choice between breastfeeding and bottle feeding, it seems like a natural thing to do-breast feed.
When someone asks me what will I chose breast feed or bottle feed I reply by saying that I would like to breast feed, as obviously I can't predict what will happen in the future and I may change my mind, but that's what I'm aiming for and I can't dismiss breastfeeding without trying it first.

I have read few books about breastfeeding and attended NHS breastfeeding class whilst pregnant in a hope it will make me more confident and knowledgeable. I think it helped a lot to understand the nature of breastfeeding, it's benefits for both mum and baby, but the most difficult job is ahead of me. I do understand that it could and would be hard at first, but I'm looking forward to these moments of bonding with my little L.

My blog post participating in National Breastfeeding Awareness Week June 20th – 26th..
If you have enjoyed reading my post, you can find more articles about breastfeeding at these locations and participate in Keep Britain Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt giveaway. The more participating blog posts you read, the better your chances of winning the grand prize (over £1000 worth of breastfeeding and baby goodies):

Please complete the following Rafflecopter to enter the competition for the Keep Britain Breastfeeding Grand Prize.

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  1. The choice wasn't made until my little girl was born. It just happened naturally tied in with a week long hospital stay for us both. x

  2. I bf because its simple free and best for my baby princess, nmow im going to tandum#!

  3. I think it's important to support breastfeeding but also not to look down on those who choose not to.

  4. It is so much better for the baby.
    I do not understand why some women don't want to bf (if they can ofc).

  5. I just wanted to give it a go as I felt it was natural. I breast fed 3 of my babies for the first four weeks and expressed milk for my other 3 babies who were born very premature and required tube feeding initially.

  6. As it's the most natural, organic way to feed my baby. Plus you burn loads of calories x

  7. Tanya Camilleri20 June 2014 at 14:20

    I chose to BF as it felt like the most natural thing to do....and free! I struggled but managed to give my daughter my milk for 6 months by expressing for over 5 months. Due baby#2 soon and will of course be trying again :)

  8. I havent yet, but I certainly will when I have children

  9. Because I know its best for my baby, I wouldn't feel comfortable giving them anything artificial at such a young age. I breastfed my 2 sons for 6 months and will do the same for baby number 3.x Also it gets you back in your skinny jeans super quick!

  10. Good luck! With the right support you'll nail it! Check out Kellymom and la lechwe league for great advice! #binkylinky

  11. Because it's free and best for my baby.

  12. ive chosen to because i want the bond/closeness and it will benefit us both

  13. My son was born at 28 weeks and it was the best thing for him. It was something I always knew I would do. It's perfect for baby and has so many protections for Mom as well. It's free. You can do it anytime anywhere.....and many more reasons!

  14. 40 weeks pregnant... not long now until you meet your little one. How exciting! Looking forward to hearing your news, and hoping breastfeeding goes smoothly for you. Mel #PoCoLo

  15. To give my baby the best start in life

  16. Because it's the bestest for the baby x

  17. Unfortunately I could not breastfeed as my daughter was born 10 weeks early but express and its so worth it .x

  18. Great post. Too many people are allowed to believe they might not be able to BF whereas almost everyone can - and if it were the "norm" then most would try. There is such poor support for BF mums, whereas too much funding goes into promoting choice. If it were the expected form of infant feeding there would be better support and therefore more success. Thanks for linking #PoCoLo

  19. I expressed for as long as I could, then moved on to formula. I made an informed and intelligent choice about what I wanted to do following my c-sections and felt the support for those doing anything other than breast feeding was horrendous.

  20. Because it is the best for my baby

  21. Breastfeeding was the one thing that I was certain that I wanted to do before I had my baby.

  22. To help me lose weight, because it was free, and to offer health benefits to my baby. Also, I was too lazy to get up in the night to make a bottle

  23. It wasn't really a choice, it was just what I was going to do!

  24. Hope your little bundle of joy does not keep you waiting to long!

  25. It's free and it's a lot easier than doing bottles!

  26. I attempted to breast feed but due to a medical problem it was out of my control and I couldnt breast feed. I have to admit I was really disappointed and felt like i had failed my babies in some way :( However im now at ease with my decision and realise what will be will be and maybe next time I might be able to try again x


  27. I attempted to BF but it didn't work for very long.

  28. Breastfeeding is very close to my heart... while pregnant with each of my three babies there was no decision to make... I wanted to breastfeed.

    3 times my body has failed me and my babies.

    There is no way to predict whether we can or can't do it. x

  29. Breast feeding is the best choice, I just could not get it right :(

    Thanks for sharing over at the weekend blog hop :)

  30. It's free and something only I can do for my child

  31. Breast feeding is the one thing I am sure I want for my baby, although it's a slightly scary prospect as a soon-to-be first time mum

  32. Its such a personal choice - I will do it - body willing as it is best for baby but I wont be too hard on myself if its not possible. x

  33. I wanted to breastfeed because of all the health benefits, bonding, the cost of formula, the hassle of having to wash and sterilise bottles, it was just a no brainer for me and luckily I've been able to successfully feed two

  34. To give the best possible start in life x

  35. Its the most natural way to feed, it burns calories,

  36. Healthier, helps build immune system, bonding and always available when ever baby was hungry.

  37. Because i didnt succeed the first time so was determined this time because of all the healthy benefits

  38. As a first time mum I believe that it will offer my little one the best start having never done it before I am anxious that I won't be able to do it, I would feel that I would be letting myself down if I didn't try, there is so much help and support out there and the fact that its free I would be silly not to.

  39. I wanted to give my children the best start. I've always been overweight, and had heard Bf could help reduce obesity. Great post. If you'd like to pop over and link up with my new Breastfeeding linky you'd be very welcome!

  40. Pure laziness! It was on tap and free, and it was a really cold winter the year my daughter was born! We kept going because it felt natural and great and just became part of our life!

  41. It is a natural thing and well cheap too. I dont know what would've happen to us financially if I am not breastfeeding. #PoCoLo

  42. I tried with both of my children as I knew it was the best thing for them & my mum BF me :) I wanted to do the same for my kids xx

  43. Lynsey Buchanan21 June 2014 at 16:08

    Its best for baby and its free

  44. I decided to breastfeed once my baby was born, it just felt like the right thing to do. I'm so glad I made that decision #binkylinky

  45. I think mummies should be able to make their own decision about feeding, and not be judged in any way x

  46. Its free! @Amezeylady

  47. not a mummy yet, but wouldn't dream of not breast feeding it is what nature intended!

  48. I think I must agree with the lady you mentioned on the forum, as these days there's definitely less help about bottle feeding. It's so great your breast feeding but I think it's definitely a personal choice, and people shouldn't be discriminated for doing either :) xx

  49. I was the same as you when I was pregnant. I really wanted to try breastfeeding but wasn't sure if it would work out ok and to be honest, I was afraid of failing. In the end I breastfed my son until just before his 2nd birthday.There were some really tough times, but we set small targets and kept going. I'm very supportive of bfeeding but it is very much a personal choice and I think mum's should be supported whatever their decision.x

  50. Like you say, it just seemed the natural thing to do.

  51. I always knew I wanted to breastfeed, but I totally respect any mum's choice to do whichever they feel most comfortable with. I always irritated me in our NCT class that they wouldn't even talk about bottlefeeding, even though some of the parents knew they weren't going to breastfeed. I thought it very unfair and like they were being judged to be bad parents before they'd even had their baby. It meant they weren't able to get any advice on bottle preparation, sterilisation or even just the right teets to use.
    I'm really happy I was able to breastfeed Potato, though it was a struggle and we ended up combination feeding and stopping at 8 months. It was an amazing experience and would have loved to have done it for longer, especially as I'm unlikely to get another chance.
    I've written about my breastfeeding journey on my blog recently too.
    Thanks for linking up with #BinkyLinky

  52. I always made the assumption that i would breastfeed without really knowing why. But after struggling in the early days with my first baby (and finally did manage to breastfeed him for nearly a year) it is something that i never took for granted because i realised just how tricky it can be (he was tongue tied and wouldn't latch on for the first few days). With my third I mainly breastfed but there were times we needed to bottle feed too. things like this scavenger hunt are brilliant for supporting breastfeeding and raising awareness too #pocolo

  53. i wanted to bf because it is suppose to give your baby a good start in life and back in the day when i had my children it was frowned upon to bottle feed,the other good thing is it is free and no getting up in the middle of the night to make up formula,although some times when going out i did use a bottle as i didn't feel comfortable bf in public,after a difficult start as sometimes happens it was so easy to do and what a better way to bond with baby.

  54. Great post and I support breastfeeding. I wish more people would think of it instead of bottle feeding but I have total respect and empathy for anyone who wanted to breastfeed but for whatever reason wasn't able to.

  55. I would have loved to breastfeed but it just wasn't meant to be for me so whilst I completely support breastfeeding, I also understand that it really isn't right for everyone x x

  56. I choose to breastfeed due to health benefits to my baby :)

  57. It's best for the baby although a little hard for mum at first


  58. my wife says it is best for the baby,also the cost is a big difference too

  59. I'm the granddad - never entered my mind!

  60. My wife breastfeeds and she says it is nice to feel that closeness, it is also cost effective and easy as it is always with you and needs minimal preparation.

  61. Because my mum said I should give it a go, which I did, but unfortunately it didn't work out. So glad I tried though x

  62. I don't really know why, it just felt like the right thing to do

  63. It was the only option for me - I didn't consider bottle feeding.

  64. gives baby antibodies, stops your periods for a while, convenience, saves money, to lose weight

  65. Entering for my daughter who is doing her best to bf twins

  66. I will in the future because of the benefits to the baby. It helps build up their immune system

  67. It is far better for the babys overall health.

  68. To me the milk is specifically formulated for my baby, so why waste it.

  69. my sister says coz its natural and healthy for both

  70. This is an absolutely fantastic post! I am a big advocate of breastfeeding; like you it didn't even occur to bottle feed my daughter unless there was a problem with breastfeeding.
    A little unsolicited advice: 1. it works better if you just resign yourself to spending a lot of time on the sofa feeding, and don't even bother yourself with things like housework, outings or even preparing meals some days. 2. buy some Lansinoh and prepare for a bit of pain. It does get better though!
    Good luck; I look forward to reading about your progress.
    Thanks for linking up with #WeekendBlogHop!

  71. It is what breasts are for! I think people seem to forget that all too quickly these days. It's the most healthy and natural option for both Mum & baby.

  72. Not entering for me this would be a gift for a friend

  73. For the the health benefits to my baby and lets face it - it's free!!

  74. The advice from everyone is too breast feed .. and that many people can't be wrong.
    It just seems wiser ..
    From passing on immunities, to convenience at nights (not having to prepare feeds in the wee hours!).

  75. alexandra Smith23 June 2014 at 13:22

    I breastfed because I knew that the health benefits were good & i'm also inherently lazy & couldn't be bothered with sterilising bottles at 2am!

  76. It is how nature intended us to feed our babies. It is also a lovely bonding experience which I will treasure forever.

  77. I chose to start breastfeeding as it felt the most natural thing to do and a way to be really close to and bond with my baby. He's 4 weeks now and I'm struggling but determined he will still get some time on the breast at least x

  78. Breastfeeding has always struck me as the normal way to feed a baby.

  79. I breastfed my first two children - it just seemed the right thing to do, with my third I didnt even consider bottle feeding until my little one came along and just wouldnt take the breast - she just didnt want to know so I resorted to the bottle as that is what she would take

  80. It's vital for your baby to get vital nutrients. And, bond with mummy!

  81. I did not really make a decision it just was natural to do it.

  82. All ways knew I wanted to give breastfeeding a go as most natural thing to do

  83. rebecca miller24 June 2014 at 07:41

    I was always going to breastfeed! There was not even a question about it, but when my little boy came along I found that I was massively under prepared. Its the one element of having a baby that I had neglected to do any research about. I really struggled at first, and for months I was so sore! But as time went on it got easier! Im proud of myself for perservering through the pain and the tears. I breastfed my son until he was 13 months old, and im proud! And now I am expecting another baby! Breast is best!! ♡♥♡

  84. Unfortunately I didn't breastfeed

  85. I knew it was best for baby.

  86. It was beat for both our health and I wanted to create a bond with him that nobody else could

  87. best protection & nutrition for my baby & he deserves only the best!

  88. Breast is best as they say!

  89. I breastfed my first as I felt pressured to do it, my second I am afraid I bottlefed as it was easier for me

  90. I decided to breast feed as it was best for my baby and myself however, I was quite poorly after birth and had an infection brewing for 12 days before i ended up in hospital, due to this my body never produced enough milk (i was told my body was putting energy into repairing itself rather than milk production) I managed o to half and half feed for 12 weeks before I realised I couldnt sustain him and in fact it was then in his best interest for me to move to formula. I feel there wasnt much support for this, but hopefully next time things will be different :)

  91. Breast is best! That's what they are there for feeding your babies.

  92. because i felt it was natural and more beneficial to my baby

  93. i couldnt breast feed with my first as he was premature. but with my second i plan to as i believe its best for them

  94. I never even considered not breastfeeding but I was shocked & depressed to find it so hard initially. That being said once I'd got out of those (dark) times it was one of my most cherished much so that I lasted 2 and half years! x

  95. Best for baby, simpler and less risk of tummy bugs so simple decision - although I found first week tough going til I got the hang of it!

  96. Sarah Knightley24 June 2014 at 15:53

    As mentioned its the natural choice and has lots of benefits

  97. it was great for the first few weeks now its my daughters turn to have a baby and shes going to breast feed as well so its perfect this fantastic prize would be

  98. the benefits on my babies health
    katie k

  99. I wanted to do what is best for my baby.

  100. best for my babies, free and no extra washing bottles ect

  101. All sorts of reasons, from convenience to it's being the best for my son, and lots more reasons along the way.

  102. What an exciting time for you! I hope all goes well x

    I decided to breastfeed mainly because it was free, intially. And following that, because people told me that I wouldn't succeed with it. I'm stubborn like that! Anyway now I've just had my third baby and she is breastfeeding happily :)

    Hope you are enjoying the hunt, lovely to read all the posts x

  103. I felt it was the right thing to do. Was not easy to master, but well worth keeping with it!

  104. Because I am lazy and cheap ;)

  105. debbie godbolt25 June 2014 at 02:53

    hi i felt it was the best thing for my babies and also it has the added bonus it is great on cold nights no waiting to warm up a bottle x

  106. Breast is best.. natural choice..

  107. Because its healthier and all round cheaper x

  108. Best for baby and no need to carry around bottles!

  109. its best for both, relax, its natural, people have done it for years without support groups and advice, take cues from baby, and have confidence in yourself and your body

  110. I didn't make a conscious decision to, I just knew I wanted to

  111. I never even considered bottle feeding tbh. Also, the cost of bottle feeding was a major factor for me.

  112. More of a need than a choice. whenever I held a crying baby I felt the a weird sensation in my breasts. it seemed wrong not to try for my own baby. I persisted because of the huge amount if benefits & his colic/reflux was much better than when given expressed milk by bottle.

  113. I breastfeed because it's the natural way to feed

  114. It's part of being a mother for me + it's physical, spiritual, emotional and mental benefits for mum and baby

  115. It's the most natural, organic way to feed my baby. Plus you burn loads of calories

  116. I breastfeed my twins as it's natural and the best way for me to bond with them both.. the rest of the day is busy so it's a special time

  117. Like you I didnt really consider bottle feeding, it seemed like the obvious choice for many reasons was breast. Why pay a company to supply cows milk to my baby when I can make milk for them myself!

  118. I knew I wanted to nreastfeed as it is best for baby. I read all the books, went to classes etc. But I was totally unprepared psychologically when it didn't work out despite lots of support. It is important to be realistic when preparing future mums for breastfeeding so they don't feel like bad mums if it doesn't work out for whatever reason.

  119. It was the best option for me and my baby

  120. breastfeeding gives baby the best start,i first breastfed my first baby back when i was a young mum of just 16-my daughter was born 9lb 15oz,i was the ONLY mum on the ward to breastfeed,despite her big birth weight,she thrived-to be honest i wasn't given much support by staff members-but despite me being a young mum myself,i carried on-i'm so glad i did-i continued to breastfeed after my other child was born,and am planning on doing so with this baby-due any day now!

  121. Best for baby and easiest for me, I love making milk in my sleep, no getting up to make bottles!

  122. Reduced chances for me to develop hormone fed cancers, as well as offering babe a degree of protection

  123. Best for baby and great for bonding

  124. Terri-louise Dudey27 June 2014 at 11:55

    It's the natural thing to do and healthy for mother and baby xx

  125. its best for baby and mum

  126. its best for both of us and its free...and im too lazy to make bottles up

  127. I'm not currently pregnant yet, but I intend to breastfeed as it will strengthen the bond with baby <3

  128. because breast is best!

  129. My mum informs me it was because its the only 100% natural goodness guaranteed for your baby over these so-called good for you powdered milks etc.

  130. I decided to breastfeed as breast milk has nutrients in it that are not present in formula milk such as nutrients that develop your baby's sight :) x - Natalie Gillham

  131. For me it was a great bonding experience. you sit quietly just watching your baby feed, then they start looking back, grabbing and holding your fingers. It just felt really good and made me realise how much love you have for your children.

  132. wanted to feel that closer bound and also to give my baby the best

  133. I was unable to breastfeed my first as he suffered brain dmage due to a birth injury but i managed to pump for 8 weeks for him (but i was devastated that i couldn't do it even though i had initially decided to use formula!) with my second one i'm currently BF i was determined i would BF just because i missed out the first time, i love it :)

  134. It was just what I always knew I wanted to do - the best for my babies and in looking at it now, for an extra special bond with my children. It was anything but easy - but I was determined to make it work!

  135. I just fancied giving it a go although found it very difficult as my baby was tongue tied

  136. claire mcdermott27 June 2014 at 20:59

    Breast is best

  137. Love the bf experience. Amazing bond with baby so relaxing and calming for me and baby

  138. I like many mums tried to breastfeed but it wasn't to be. I also felt disappointed and a little bit of a failure but it made me feel better knowing many mums out there experienced the same difficulties and issues. If I had a choice breast all the way!

  139. Sarah Strickland27 June 2014 at 22:33

    Always wanted to... but suits me as I am too lazy to sterilise bottles and too tight to buy formula!

  140. I'm currently BF my second baby and BF my first baby for one year. The reason was i wanted to try it and because it's cheaper, it's better for baby and it means i don't have to worry about sterilizing bottles. All i want is an easy life and breast feeding is definitely the easier option once your milk kicks in.

  141. I felt it was best for my baby

  142. to give my baby the best start in life :)

  143. I wanted to try it - you always get told that it is so good for babies and it strengthens your bond. Plus its free!

  144. I just wanted the best for my son, I had to stop after 17 weeks due to health reasons for my son, which devastated me. I loved the bond and closeness you get breastfeeding.

  145. I didn't try with my first two as I felt pressured to bottle feed and breast feeding wasn't the norm with all my family previously bottle feeding etc. this time round (I'm expecting no 3) I am determined to try and breastfeed as I don't want to regret never trying and would love to make it work for me and my baby x

  146. My mum did and it was a better option in every way!

  147. Because I love the bond it gives me with my baby.

  148. It seemed like the most natural thing to do and the best start for baby. I struggled to breastfeed #1 but thanks to breastfeeding counsellors we both got the hang of it. Thanks to their patience and time volunteering I not only successfully bf my eldest, I have breastfed every baby and now I'm currently breastfeeding my brand new daughter who is #9!

  149. its free good for baby and easy

  150. I swaw my sister do it and it looked so natural so I gave it a go and loved it.

  151. Because it was the most natural thing in the world to do, it never even occured to me to use formula

  152. My wife will breastfeed because it's cheap and good for the baby

  153. Fleur JJ Webb My mum breast fed all her kids as my Nan did too. It was taught to me at a young age that it was the best way . For me it just never crossed my mind not too. I fed all mine and sometimes people were a little hostile to it but i just did what felt right.I am feeding my little boy now and it seems much more on trend it seems much more accectable again. now.

  154. entering for my partner......As it's the most natural,and the healthy option

  155. Because my Mum breastfed four kids - so it seemed like the normal, natural thing to do!

  156. I was brought seeing family members breastfeeding. It is the norm for me so it was a no brainer. I never considered formula.

  157. I would advise any Mum to at least give breast feeding ago. I breastfed both of mine until they were almost one and I missed it when I stopped. I must admit that it wasn't easy breast feeding my son to start with, but he did eventually get the hang of it.

    Breast feeding is special. My favourite feeds were those middle of the night ones when the world was still asleep and it was just me and baby. I loved it and I hope you do too.

  158. because it is healthier for a baby

  159. I did with my last but didn't feel guilty not breast feeding.

  160. I wanted to try and give my son the best possible start in life. Having nurtured him on the inside for nine months, a few months of breastfeeding was easy!

  161. To support the close bond, I felt with my babies.

  162. better for baby

  163. Its Free and It's Natural and good for the baby.

  164. When I had my daughter I went in with the attitude that I will give it ago, I enjoyed the special bond and us time

  165. it was quicker and easier than bottle feeding :)

  166. I decided after being diagnosed with gestational diabetes and ng the benefits of doing it

  167. Healthier for baby and close bond

  168. I wanted to at least give it a go, not sure why anyone wouldn't.

  169. I breastfed because it is free, nutritious for baby, no cleaning bottls etc so more time to get some sleep or spend with baby, easy to express and freeze for when you can not feed due to illness or because you are taking medication for a short while, baby gets all the nutrients, vitamins and immunity protection from mother and no chemicals or food additives like formula and there is also the close bond you get with your baby when you breastfeed.

  170. It is so much better for the baby, the natural way.

  171. Better for my baby and makes the bond stronger

  172. I wanted to breast fed my son hes nearly 5 I'd researched the benefits, knew it would be benefical but when it came to it I didn't feel I had the right amount of support. My daughter was then born 3 years later and with in hours I had contacted a breastfeeding support worker I breast fed due to I felt it would help my daughter more than anything plus its free I mean why not fed your child with a milk that's there right temperature, available when needed and free :)

  173. because its the best thing you can give to your baby like a nurse said to me its liquid gold

  174. I breastfeed both kids, my second was fed both-breastfeeding is so nutritious for your baby but you must do what is right for your kids-happy mum equals happy child and if it's not working out or causing too much stress, there shouldn't be any guilt in offering formula. Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts
