Wednesday 20 April 2016

Battle with the weight: update 1

Few weeks ago I have started my new battle with the weight, I wanted to feel me again, to be ready for spring/summer season without the need to cover my bits with over-stretched/over-sized clothes, to feel wanted and attractive.

If previously I new what I want but couldn't manage on my own, this time my will to be fitter is stronger, I know what I want, I know what I need to do to stop being fat! Yes I said it,  I don't want to be fat! I want to look into my reflection in the mirror with clothes or without and to like what I see. 

I have completely stopped eating sweets, bread, instead of having a massive plate of food for dinner I have a half of what I would normally have. I will eat as usual but try to divide the meals and eat them the next day (chilli con carne, pulled pork, fish and potatoes, cous cous with bolognese, chicken curry). Every day apart from weekends and when I need to wash L I run on my treadmill for 25 minutes on average (2.3km) and try to do some exercises aimed at reducing fat on my arms, legs and mainly sides/love handles.

It may sound so easy but if you haven't done exercises for a while in my case I didn't run/walk on a treadmill for a year or so it was a bit of a shock to the system. But as I'm determined to lose weight I try to make it more fun/enjoyable by listening to upbeat/modern tunes on the radio, it does help a lot. As someone has advised me I try to combine walking and running throughout the allocated time I have and if one day I pushed myself harder I do tend to feel better about myself. 
Having said that I felt a little bit down at the beginning of the week, I feel guilty for not running over the weekend (even though we walk a lot with L), I feel slightly demotivated as I've weighed myself and didn't see any progress. 

I do feel and look different, which I enjoy a lot! I feel lighter, I can see my legs getting slimmer! 

I may introduce more exercises into my routine and do- one day running, one day exercising, hopefully that way I will see more changes! 

How are you getting on with your losing weight battle?

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain! It's silly because I feel so much better when I eat more healthily but find it so difficult to maintain.
