This month wasn't any different to the previous one. It seems that L reached her main milestones and evolving into a toddler.
Poor little L was teething most of the time and now she has 10 teeth which is great.
Clothing wise she is still small for 12-18 months outfits, but big for 9-12 months. I try to mix and match sizes, shame she didn't have a chance to wear all her short sleeve t-shirts.
Sleep is still a pain for us, in the evening she would sleep half an hour on her own and then will wake up crying. In order for me to get on with my evening I carry her downstairs and she sleeps in my arms up until I'm ready to go to sleep, it is not ideal but it's better than spending hours trying to put her to sleep.
L had her first holiday abroad, I was dreading the 4 hour flight, little did I know that we will have a 4 hour delay as well. L's routine was totally messed up because of that but overall she was a trouper!
We bought hands and feet casting kit, now just need to remember to use it! Can't wait!
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