It seems that in the past month L had a massive development leap. She is not a baby anymore, she is a little human!
At her birthday party she had lots of fun with a ride on toy, which she used as a walker. Since then I thought that I would keep it in the house to encourage her walking. I have previously walked with L whilst holding her hands, but the ride on toy and dandelions in our garden encouraged her to walk! In a weeks time we had a walking baby (12.5 months) instead of crawling!
Teething seems to be a non- stop here, L has 9,5 teeth and I can feel couple more re coming through. Canine and molar teeth are definitely the worst so far, as I have never seen L in so much pain and not being able to cope with it.
Few weeks ago I have bough Russian language flashcards for L to learn the words and recognise objects. L tries to repeat in her own way flower, blue, this one, woof-woof (more as fuf), yum yum, some of the words she said only once and others she tries to repeat on a daily basis.
She loves cats and dogs and every time she sees a picture with a cat or a kitten shows her excitement.
L started to hate pushchair and wants to walk, which is a bit of a problem if we need to be out and about, she pulls the straps or tries to wiggle her way out of them and tries to stand. She tried it once in a trike which almost gave me a heart attack.
L is very adventurous. She likes to "hang out" on a sofa by the window seal in the living room, I had to take cushions off the sofa as it was more dangerous than leaving them on. L was caught whilst she tried to climb the stairs, hence we have a stair gate in place now. Cupboards locks were "hacked" by L, I have found cheap locks on ebay so far so good. Today she was caught trying to put by pumps on and just adores trying to put all clothing items on her head.
I really like how she changed, it feels so much easier, better not because I know what to do (that as well), but because she is more "readable".
My love for L is mega massive, my heart melts when I see her cry, smile, sleep. I love her so much and I do hope she is happy and feels loved.
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