Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Recipe: Organix Almond Porridge with fresh fruit

I can't say I'm a big fan of porridge myself but I do eat oat porridge everyday. I've heard that french people say it's good for your skin. Since L was ready for few meals a day our normal breakfast consists of fruit or multigrain porridge, fromage frais and fruit if L is happy to have more food.

What is your little one having for breakfast?
Organix is celebrating breakfast this month to help inspire mums to get a great start to the day with their little ones. 

Porridge is a wonderful real food breakfast. Good quality whole oats are super sustaining to keep Goldilocks and your little bear full up till lunch. The almonds provide a great source of protein and healthy fat, whilst also giving a natural creaminess. This natural creaminess means you can make the porridge with water rather than milk for a dairy-free version.

The seeds are powerhouses of nutrition – as it is from the seed that fruit and plants grow – so they are packed full of potential nutrition. When we eat the seed we get this densely packed nutrition that would have become a plant. Therefore we don’t need many, just a light sprinkle.
Why not add a dollop of Greek yogurt for extra decadence.

All you need is:
50g porridge oats
50g ground almonds
1tsp cinnamon
250ml water or milk of your choice

Optional toppings:
Drizzle of maple syrup
Sprinkle of pumpkin seeds (12mths +)
Sprinkle of sunflower seeds (12mths +)
Large hand full of fresh strawberries (or whatever fruit is in season)
Dollop of Greek yogurt

All you do is:
1. Measure out the oats and almonds and tip both into a saucepan. Top tip: a ¼ measuring cup holds 50g of porridge and it’s much easier to use this each morning rather than weighing it out every day. If you don’t have a proper ¼ measuring cup, any receptacle will do that holds the right amount.
2. Add the cinnamon and water (or milk), stir and cook over a medium/low heat, stirring regularly for about 10 minutes until nice and thick.
3. Meanwhile chop the strawberries into bite size pieces – smaller for babies.
4. Pour cooked porridge into bowls then add any or all of the optional toppings. Set the toppings out on the breakfast table for kids to help themselves to – encouraging them to get creative with the decorative toppings (a couple of strawberries and a few seeds can make a great porridge face or an abstract piece of art)!

You can join in with the fun at #babiesbreakfastclub or on the Organix Facebook page. For more on Organix baby cereals, weaning advice, breakfast recipes, and to download your free copy of the Organix Little Book of Weaning please visit 


  1. I like porridge but never thought of including ground almonds. Must try that

  2. Ooh I love ground almonds! I'll definitely be trying this recipe! I'm just starting to give my little one cereal with a splash of milk. Oh the fun of self feeding! I've never cleaned my floor as much as I do now! x #weaningwednesdays

  3. This looks really Yummy! I might try this out in the school holiday's. Angela xx

    Angela recently posted "NHS/Calp0l Drama - Haliborange to the rescue"

  4. I like making the porridge more interesting, great idea with the ground almonds. Ava has hers with almond or oat milk and some fruit stirred in. Thanks for linking up to #weaningwednesdays
