Wednesday, 2 April 2014

28 weeks appointment with a midwife

Last Thursday I had a routine appointment with my community midwife, well I thought I will see my midwife, but it was different one again. I actually liked her, up until I came home and looked at my pregnancy notes.

Prior to my appointment I have booked whooping cough vaccination and a Maternity Unit tour, so these 2 things were out of the way and I was intrigued to see what we will talk about during this appointment. I think I have spent there at least 20 minutes as she talked me through Pelvic Girdle Dysfunction (PGD) I have, she was kind enough to refer me to physio therapist.

We spoke about breastfeeding, few things she said made me laugh inside, as I'm not sure that they are true, for instance she was referring that breasfeeding  may help to lose weight (well this doesn't make any sense for now at least as I know of ladies who put on weight while breasfeeding due to them drinking/eating specific food which will benefit baby) or your baby won't have eczema (my husband has eczema and his mum was breastfeeding him).
As there are no NHS antenatal classes as such they still try to provide support when they can, I have been offered to attend 2 hour session where midwife will be talking about breastfeediing, I thought that I can't miss this opportunity and booked myself in for May.

Then she did a routine check of my urine, send me to do some blood tests, checked baby's heartbeat and checked my blood pressure, which was high again (140/90), but according to my cardiologist if I had high blood pressure every day they would be more concerned and this (having it from time to time) seems normal to them.

The last check I had at this appointment was measuring the size of my uterus with a tape measure. When she did measurements she clearly stated its 26 cm and said it's small, then looked at my notes and while putting something down said that it's actually average, which made me feel relieved as everyone commenting that I have a small bump, and when you hear it over and over again you inevitably start to worry. When I came home I decided to check what she wrote (I check it every time and I think I need to do it there and than form now on), everything seems fine until I saw growth chart- instead of putting 26cm, which actually makes me below any centile line, she put slightly more than 26cm which makes me average (which is obviously not what she told me). So I have texted my midwife saying that I'm concerned and what I've been told and what is written in my notes are too different things, still waiting for her to come back to me...

What was/is your experience with a growth chart? Should I be worried?


  1. I think when they measure your bump its not always accurate for all sorts of reasons that's why if they are really worried they send you for a scan as its lots more accurate but if you are really worried perhaps try and contact her again or a colleague if there is another midwife available its not very good though I think you are very right to question her, I hope everything is alright and she gets back to you soon xx #MMWBH

  2. With my second pregnancy, every time I saw my midwife she was concerned that my measurements were a bit low, and I would be sentfor a scan to check baby was growing OK, and everything was always fine. I wouldn't worry too much about being small, I think the issue would be if the measurement did not change from one appointment to the next x

  3. I was 'average' with my growth so didn't have any of these issues. It is annoying that you have been told one thing and they have written another, however, I am sure if your midwives were worried they would investigate further.

  4. My OB-Gyne would measure me and would say im average so I dont really payed much attention sorry. I would always go to checkups nervous and would feel relieve when everything is okay =) #sharewithme

  5. Sorry your feeling a bit confused by this. Hope your mw had the answers you're looking for

  6. Oooh unfortunately I'm not quite there yet so unable to provide any advice...but we're trying so hopefully it will be my turn soon! Good luck with everything...I look forward to reading more about your baby journey xx

  7. Midwives get SO hung up on the size of your bump - and obstetricians too. Insane - as they are usually WAY off!!! None of my four were anything like the size predicted >:( They should save money on scaremongering and reinstate antenatal classes instead IMO...

  8. They never get the measurement spot on but have to send you for a scan if they feel any cause for concern so I guess this is one positive! I'm sure everything is just fine and you just have a beautiful neat little baba xxxAx

  9. I just had my 28 week midwife appointment yesterday, and am measuring at 27cm - my midwife said this is completely normal and showed me on the chart it puts me right in the 'normal' line, so that sounds like yours is completely fine too! But I can understand your frustration at being told one thing and your notes saying another!

    Where abouts in the UK do you live? I thought that antenatal classes were standard by the NHS? I just did my first class last night, and am planning to do a blog post on it tonight. I found it really helpful, so wanted to share with anyone that can't/didn't g oto them. If you want to have a little nosey, it will be on tonight, or look for Nicola and Baby J on Bloglovin! Xxx

    1. Thanks, I will have a look) thats the things i would worry if what she told me and then put on a chart was a similar things, from what she told me 26cm makes me below any line, which even below my chart mentioned and said that they recommend a growth scan, but as you've read she told me one thing and put a completely different measurement which made me normal/average, but if she did and said the same thing i wouldnt worry, where as in my case i now think she did a mistake with my notes) comlicated I know...Im in West Midlands unfortunately our NHS Trust cut on antenatal care(

  10. I never had issues with the growth chart but I had some funny midwives with both pregnancies...I think you shouldn't worry too much at the moment, you still have time to grow into it or they will let you know if things go too slow.

  11. I can't remember as to what happened when I was having my son but it is good that you are keeping a check on things. I honestly think you have nothing to worry about - easier said than done though hey!?! That's terrible they cut antenatal classes.

  12. Hope she had called you by now. This is worrying!

  13. I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry. If she had any concerns at all she would have sent you to get a scan to get things checked out. I hope she gets back in touch soon to reassure you x x x

  14. I don't think the measurements the midwife takes are always 100% accurate. Text her again if she doesn't respond. Remember a squeaky wheel gets oiled! x

  15. With my biggest bump I had my smallest baby. Your bump size can change as the baby moves. I wouldn't worry about it, if your midwife had any concerns she would have sent you for a scan

  16. I think that if you are worried make another appointment and go and see the midwife again.

  17. I was told 'normal' was +/- 2cm to the number of weeks you are so for 28 weeks 26-30 cm would be fine. As long as your bump is growing consistently and not stopped getting bigger I would try not to worry but if you are worried do ring them for reassurance. I was 2 cm smaller than weeks all the way through and my bump never got bigger than 35cm (growth scans for both babies at 34 weeks showed they were fine). both my girls were born a week early at and were quite little, 5lb 14oz and 6lb 7oz but although tiny they were fine.

  18. I barely saw my midwife when I was pregnant, you just don't seem to see them much these days. Glads baby is well and hope you get help with your SPD. (I put on weight breastfeeding too)

  19. Midwife appointments seem to be very different to when I was pregnant.

    I would say if you're concerned to ask to see another midwife?

  20. I wouldn't be too concerned my lovely. I know what you mean when people keep commenting on your bump you start to thinkg EEEK should I be worried. You being happy and relaxed will help your baby but worried won't. I know easier said then done. But my second bump was SUPER small I barely gained 20lbs the entire pregnancy and everyone commented and it really got me worked up but she was 7lb 4 when she was born and that was 3 and 1/2 weeks early so she was fine for size matter of fact she would have been huge if she went full term. So I wouldn't read too much into it. Honestly. Thank you so much for linkg up to Share With Me I am so excited for your new arrival, I am so baby crazy! hhahaha

  21. the breastfeeding thing was true for me! I could eat as much cake as I wanted and was back to 'pre pregnancy size' in 9 months :) best tip for loosing baby weight! ;) x

  22. So funny when they measure the bump, I was constantly being told it was either too small or too big but he turned out just perfect in the end. x

  23. I had my daughter 2 years ago but I can't remember any of this stuff! Hope you manage to talk to someone about it soon.

  24. I remember this time well - it can be very confusing indeed. Do speak to your midwife if you're worried. And I know plenty of women who lost weight while breastfeeding!

  25. Growth charts are only a guide , babies grow and you will hopefully get all the support you need.

  26. If you are concerned Hun then talk to your midwife, they are not only there for check ups x plus it is sort of annoying that you have been told one thing and your notes are saying something else. But really, if they were worried, they would send you in for a scan. Try to relax, you're baking up a gorgeous little human being, that jobs not easy.

    Try not too worry and thanks so much for linking up #madmidweekbloghop

  27. First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy. I am 31 weeks, so we are going to give birth around the same time! When I was expecting my third, my bump was so tiny everyone commented on its size and that got me worried. My baby, who was 10 days overdue, was still just over 3 kilos. If you are worried, mention it to your midwife as you should be relaxing and enjoying your pregnancy. Mel #BrilliantBlogPosts

  28. Plus about being pregnant with twins is the rule book goes out of the window!

    Good luck x

  29. There are so many things to worry about when you're pregnant, aren't there. I hope that you've had your concerns addressed.

  30. I have to say I lost tonnes of weight breastfeeding, within 2 months of having my youngest I was lighter than I was before I had my eldest (I had two kids in space of 16m!) , which was purely down to bf x

  31. Sorry I don't know much about the growth chart. I'm hope everything got cleared up!

    Breastfeeding actually does burn a lot of calories I think. I lost a lot of weight while nursing my kids even though I wasn't dieting at all.

  32. Try not to worry but find someone who can answer all your questions...
    I hope all is good by now

  33. Sorry to hear the midwife told you one thing and noted down something else, I'm sure everything is fine though, I remember so many discrepancies with both my pregnancies and towards the end of my second my baby was so big I was measuring a month ahead at nearly full term! Thanks for linking up to #brillblogposts

  34. Hmmm. I think it is right to check it out if only to put your mind at rest. I was the size of a house and was refused additional scans and as a result I was told at the very last minute that I couldn't go to the birthing centre as planned so, in sohrt, get it checked and keep asking questions until you feel reassured.

  35. I never had any issues but I think you are doing the right thing in checking everything. Im sure everything is fine with the baby and good luck with it all! xx
