Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Little L is 18 months

Just before Christmas we caught a cold that meant that most of the time we spent in a miserable mood and L didn't really want to eat or play or do anything else apart from being attached to me.

L is being her extremely active self and won't sit still for long, won't be interested in a book or a toy for more than 5 minutes, which to me sounds normal as I'm used to it, but some say that I should discuss this with a doctor.

Lots of months of stress about L's eating habits caught up on me this month as L lost her interest in eating soups for lunch. Normally I would make vegetable soup for her with different types of meat but the older she gets the more she wants to eat independently and normally it ends in lots of tears as I insist on eating and L insist on holding a spoon herself, which I don't mind. Once I give her a spoon she would mess with the food and won't eat it. We have tried distrusting her, eating on my lap instead of highchair but nothing seems to be working..

Any advice on how we can tackle eating issue?

1 comment:

  1. I suggest that you continue to let her try to feed herself and provide more finger foods. there are loads of suggestions for baby-led weaning recipes. I put together a board for my daughter to use with my granddaughter, but I'm sure you can find lots more.
